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Achieving Pricing and Profitability Excellence in Retail
Welcome to Deloitte’s Retail Pricing Training Course. For some time, retailers have recognized that pricing is a powerful lever to drive profitable results and to improve competitive positioning. However, many retailers struggle to achieve the full value from pricing. Effective pricing requires an integrated and broad approach across several core competencies, including strategy, execution, and technology. In this course, students will learn how to integrate Pricing knowledge with a... Details
Advanced Change Management
In this course, students learn how to create a practical, action plan to take their company’s pricing performance from good to great, a challenge so many companies face. Students will learn that achieving superior pricing goes well beyond the price setting and analysis typically done by the pricing organization. Students will learn how to help develop their company’s culture with a passion and urgency for pricing and profit enhancement, strong price execution and motivation skills... Details
Advanced Negotiations
In this course, students (pricing, marketing & corporate account executives) will learn to better negotiate with customer executives and customer procurement teams, which across all industries over time are becoming more sophisticated buyers and stronger negotiators. Students will review more advanced topics beyond a traditional negotiations course; this course is intended for executives who already have had some negotiations training.


Advanced Change Management - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

This course focuses on creating a practical, actionable plan to take your companies pricing performance from good to great; a challenge so many companies face. Achieving superior pricing goes well beyond the price setting and analysis typically done by the pricing organization. It requires a supportive company culture with a passion and urgency for pricing and profit enhancement, strong price execution motivation and skills... Details
Advanced Negotiations - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge Across industries, customers are becoming more sophisticated buyers and stronger negotiators. This is especially true for large key accounts. This course will prepare pricing, marketing and corporate account executives to better negotiate with customer executives and customer procurement teams. It covers more advanced topics beyond a traditional negotiations course and is intended for executives who have already had some negotiations... Details
Using AI & Analytics in Pricing
This course will enable participants to:
- Learn effective and dynamic pricing methods that are relevant to today's competitive business landscape.
- Learn to harness technology to gather invaluable customer insights, leading to the creation of data-driven pricing models.
- Explore techniques to improve vendor management practices through data analytics, foster better relationships, and optimize the supply chain.
- Analyze data and make informed decisions... Details
Avoid the Commodity Trap
In this course, students will learn the importance of understanding Customer-Need, and how to think about developing Services, Bundled Services, Services and Product Bundles, and how to translate multiple Service Attributes into a greater Strategic Imperative for their organization.

During this prolonged market downturn, business clients are especially price sensitive when buying services or a product/service bundle. Many customers have frozen or reduced budgets and use ... Details
Advanced Pricing & Offer Design in B2B subscriptions & SaaS
In this course, students will learn the best-in-class approaches to software pricing using the right frameworks, the right tools, and right pricing & packaging approaches – and will be able to drive material improvements to revenue, growth, and profitability across their company’s software portfolio.
B2G Pricing
In this course, we delve into the principles of B2G pricing and elucidate the primary distinctions between B2B and B2G pricing models. We provide an in-depth exploration of the price-to-win methodology tailored for large contracts and opportunities within the B2G landscape. Furthermore, we explore the feasibility of implementing value-based pricing analyses and tactics within public sectors. Much of the critical work in the B2G arena revolves around anticipating and influencing... Details
Beyond the Number
As pricing professionals, we have lots of tools to help us examine the numbers, but what if the real pricing pressure is because our sales teams aren't delivering compelling proposals? In this course, Reuben Swartz, a ‘numbers’ guy from Mimiran, reveals how there are limits to numerical analysis and huge opportunities for price and revenue gains from improving proposals.

In this course, designed for B2B firms, students will learn how to leverage their freedom to craft... Details
Change Management in Pricing
In this advanced course, Pricing Managers/Practitioner can learn the most effective and adopted Change Management methodologies. This unique course combines the latest science in Change management and Change Leadership with practical real-life examples specifically related to pricing.

More than 70% of projects fail because of the inability of organizations to change. The same goes with pricing projects and initiatives. Change in value and pricing management is... Details
Complexity of Simplicity
In this course, students will learn to understand the cost of pricing complexity and the rationale for change, and to translate a price strategy into a plan that is operationally achievable and efficient. Students learn to manage common pricing discounting practices to ensure channel participation and present the value to stakeholders to gain alignment.

Students who complete this course will be equipped with operational rigor and leadership support to remove complicated ... Details
Influential Communication Strategies for Pricing
Influential Communication Strategies for Pricing
Implementing Price Changes in Competitive Markets
Developing and implementing an overall pricing strategy is a challenging task for every business firm, but doing so in uncertain economic times is even more of a challenge. What factors should be considered by a firm in implementing price changes? What intra-organizational roadblocks exist to the implementation price changes? How can they be over come? Who are the enemies and who are your friends in implementing price changes in your firm? What strategies, tools, and methods can be... Details
Complexity of Simplicity (Spanish)
En este curso, los estudiantes aprenderán a comprender el costo de la complejidad en la fijación de precios y la razón para los cambios, así como a traducir una estrategia de precios en un plan que sea operativamente alcanzable y eficiente. Los estudiantes aprenderán a gestionar las prácticas comunes de descuentos en precios para asegurar la participación en el canal y presentar el valor a las partes interesadas para lograr un alineamiento.

Los estudiantes que completen ... Details
Consumer Choice Research for Pricing
In this course, students will focus on leveraging Consumer Choice Research to better determine price for a product or service. The overarching-theme of this course is: Quantitative Research as a tool to determine the optimal price--a number--to place on a product or service. Quantitative pricing research, based on statistical and econometric models, is the only way to get that number.

This course focuses on three choice methodologies — conjoint, discrete choice, and... Details
Core Pricing Skills (Portugese)
e Curso de Gestão de Preços On-line irá rever todos os elementos essenciais para uma gestão de preços estratégica usando dezenas de casos de uma variedade de indústrias desenvolvidos no Brasil para suportar as teorias apresentadas.
Core Pricing Skills

In this Foundational Pricing course, students will comprehensively review the essentials of Price Optimization through dozens of brief, industry case-studies from around the world.

Pricing - THE Profit Lever

Core Pricing Skills (Spanish)
En este curso los estudiantes aprenderán:
-Fundamentos de Precios: La importancia de una correcta definición de precios.
-Precio Basado en Valor: Cómo definir el precio que el cliente está dispuesto a pagar.
-Ejecución de precios: Programas de descuentos y Comunicación clara y efectiva
-Métricas: La importancia de monitorear el desempeño de nuestras estrategias
Pricing and Corporate Strategy

In this course, students will learn proven pricing methods to assist them with defining the structure, routines, and pricing culture within their organization(The Problem). Students will learn to track pricing decisions from business strategy through pricing strategy, market pricing, and price variance policy to price execution, including new offering development, the sales strategy, and navigating international markets (The Solution).


Core Pricing Skills - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

In this Foundational Pricing course, students will comprehensively review the essentials of Price Optimization through dozens of brief, industry case-studies from around the world.

Pricing - THE Profit Lever

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Pricing & Corporate Strategy - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

In this course, students will learn proven pricing methods to assist them with defining the structure, routines, and pricing culture within their organization(The Problem). Students will learn to track pricing decisions from business strategy through pricing strategy, market pricing, and price variance policy to price execution, including new offering development, the sales strategy, and navigating international markets (The... Details

Certified Public Accountant Bundle
In this bundle, you'll learn the basics of value-based pricing, managing price variances, and how to track pricing decisions through your organization for the best bottom-line profitability.
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The CPE program is designed for Sales and Marketing professionals seeking to improve their price setting and price execution best practices in order to uplevel cross functional collaboration and drive profits. Choose between two paths - Sales or Marketing.
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The CPP designation is the standard for advanced knowledge and expertise in the field of Pricing. It is recognized and valued by employers across the globe in all industries.
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