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© 2024 The Professional Pricing Society. All rights reserved

Core Pricing Skills - CPA Edition

Core Pricing Skills - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

In this Foundational Pricing course, students will comprehensively review the essentials of Price Optimization through dozens of brief, industry case-studies from around the world.

Pricing - THE Profit Lever

  • The importance of price in the profit equation
  • Why pricing now has boardroom attention
  • How a 2% price increase can double profits
  • Developing an optimal pricing process for the organisation — setting the framework
  • The key variables for price optimisation (e.g. price elasticity, value-to-customer, willingness to-pay, relative value)

Value Pricing — Optimising Price Structure and Price Level

  • Understanding and quantifying value-to-customer
  • Measuring and understanding price elasticities — how volume is linked to price
  • Quantifying the customers’ willingness-to-pay
  • Tools and methodologies for value measurement and price optimisation (i.e. conjoint analysis, direct pricing questioning techniques, decision support modeling)
  • Innovative pricing strategies (i.e. bundling, non—linear pricing, optimal promotional design)

In this Course, we will include examples and use of selected tools and methodologies to measure value and to determine the optimal price level.

Price Differentiation — Optimal Pricing for Different Customer Segments

  • Segmentation - concept and profit impact
  • Using customer value for segmentation
  • Segmentation as the foundation for price and product differentiation
  • Channel-based differentiation
  • Differentiation strategies to increase profits and customer loyalty
  • Innovative differentiation cases

Price Implementation

  • How to implement price increases
  • How to avoid price wars
  • Understanding the real net-net price
  • Designing discount systems for growth
  • Creating win-win situations for supplier and retailers
  • European price harmonisation
  • Price organisation
  • Cases from wide range of industries
Discounted member price: 495.00
You could save: 28.8%
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